

塞舌尔的 115 个花岗岩和珊瑚岛从赤道以南 4 度到 10 度之间延伸,距离西印度洋非洲东海岸 480 至 1,600 公里。

这个印度洋共和国占地 455 平方公里,拥有 140 万平方公里的专属经济区。它代表了一个永恒美丽、宁静与和谐的群岛,以其世界一流的海滩和从茂密的森林到温暖的蔚蓝海洋的多样性而闻名。

在这 115 个岛屿中,41 个内岛构成了地球上最古老的中大洋花岗岩岛,另外 74 个构成了 5 组低洼珊瑚环礁和外岛礁岛。

塞舌尔拥有不少于两处联合国教科文组织世界遗产:位于普拉兰岛的传奇谷麦地(Vallée de Mai),在古老的棕榈树上生长着形状奇特的椰子树,以及传说中的世界上最大的珊瑚环礁阿尔达布拉(Aldabra)。公元 9 世纪早期的阿拉伯海员



The Seychelles' 115 granite and coral islands extend from between 4 and 10 degrees south of the equator and lie between 480km and 1,600km from the east coast of Africa in the western Indian Ocean.

This Indian Ocean republic occupies a land area of 455 km² and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 1.4 million km². It represents an archipelago of timeless beauty, tranquillity and harmony that is famous for its world-beating beaches and for its great diversity which rolls from lush forests down to the warm azure ocean.

Of these 115 islands, 41 The Inner Islands constitute the oldest mid-oceanic granite islands on earth while a further 74 form the 5 groups of low-lying coral atolls and reef islets that are the Outer Islands.

Seychelles is home to no less than two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the legendary Vallée de Mai on Praslin where the wondrously shaped Coco-de-mer nut grows high on ancient palms and the fabled Aldabra, the world’s largest raised coral atoll, first seen by early Arab seafarers of the 9th century A.D.

Seychelles, one of the world’s very last frontiers, promises adventure and breathtaking natural beauty in pristine surrounds still untouched by man.