

我们以身为开曼人而自豪。凭借与英国和整个加勒比地区的紧密联系,我们的历史可以追溯到 1700 年代的早期定居者。我们丰富的航海传统、热情好客和开拓精神为我们今天所知的开曼群岛奠定了基础:一个现代化的经济和旅游中心,其多样性丰富而充满活力。 COVID-19 大流行创造了一个时间,让社区团结起来抗击病毒的传播,并为我们可以与世界各地的朋友和家人团聚的未来做计划。




开曼群岛政府及早采取果断措施保护我们的国家免受输入性 COVID-19 病例的侵害,我们继续通过迅速执行健康和安全法规、有效的社会疏远措施、推出强有力的测试以及许多措施来积极抑制病毒。与私营部门和非营利社区的其他举措。
在英国政府的支持下,我们在实施开曼群岛 COVID-19 疫苗接种计划方面取得了良好进展。在此处了解更多信息。

We are proud to be Caymanian. With strong connections to the United Kingdom and across the Caribbean, we trace our history back to early settlers in the 1700s.  Our rich seafaring tradition, warm hospitality and pioneering spirit have laid a foundation for the Cayman Islands we know today: a modern economic and tourism hub, rich and vibrant in its diversity.  The COVID-19 pandemic has created a time to come together as a community to fight the spread of the virus, and plan for a future when we can be reunited with friends and family here and around the world.

The Cayman Islands has been an economic success story. Founded on our twin pillars of financial services and tourism and anchored by a stable government, we have delivered strong economic growth and employment so as to benefit families and businesses across our islands.  These strong foundations will be much needed to support the country through the pandemic and recovery.


As one of the world’s leading providers of institutionally focused, specialised financial services, our main industry sectors include banking, investment funds, captive insurance, trusts, and structured finance. We have achieved a significant global market share in a number of these areas and continue to develop other sectors of the economy.

We are known as a premier tourism destination. Attractions across our three islands include the acclaimed Seven Mile Beach and historic sites. With some of the world’s best coral dive sites, we strive to protect our environment and species including our successful Blue Iguana recovery programme.

The Cayman Islands is great place to live, work and do business.  We have sound law and order and modern business practices, with well-developed infrastructure including a wide range of grocery stores and restaurants, schools, a modern airport with, in normal times, direct flights to North America, Central America and the Caribbean. We continue to invest in health services, education, sports, arts and cultural facilities and events, and an active voluntary sector.  

The Cayman Islands Government took early and decisive steps to protect our country from imported COVID-19 cases, and we continue to actively suppress the virus through swift enforcement of health and safety regulations, effective social distancing measures, the rollout of robust testing, and many other initiatives with the private sector and non-profit community. 


With support from the UK Government, we are making good progress with the implementation of the Cayman Islands COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Learn more here.