


群岛位于迈阿密西南 480 英里、古巴以南约 277 英里、牙买加西北 310 英里。开曼布拉克岛位于大开曼岛东北 89 英里处,小开曼岛位于开曼布拉克岛以西 5 英里处。

据说 1503 年由克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现,第一批定居者于 1638 年来到这里。1670 年,随着大量定居者从 18 世纪早期涌入,这些岛屿由西班牙移交给英国。开曼群岛从 1863 年起作为牙买加的属地进行管理。牙买加独立后,开曼群岛选择成为英国王室的直接属地,并于 1959 年获得第一部宪法。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的完整历史页面。
1981 年英国国籍法于 1983 年 1 月 1 日生效,将英国和殖民地公民 (CUKC) 分为三类:英国公民、英国属地公民和英国海外公民。英国海外领土公民(BOTC)在 2002 年 2 月 26 日之前被称为“英国附属领土公民”。
2002 年 5 月 21 日,如果与以下符合条件的英国海外领土有联系的人自动成为英国公民:安圭拉、百慕大、英属南极领地、英属印度洋领地、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、福克兰群岛、直布罗陀、蒙特塞拉特、皮特凯恩群岛、圣赫勒拿岛、阿森松岛和特里斯坦达库尼亚岛、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛以及特克斯和凯科斯群岛。在 GOV.UK 上了解更多信息。
虽然有 130 多个国籍在开曼群岛生活和工作,但大多数工作许可证持有者(约 75%)来自牙买加、菲律宾、英国、印度、加拿大和美国。

截至 2019 年秋季,我们拥有 69,914 人(50.6% 女性和 49.4% 男性),大约有 37,363 名开曼人。 McTaggart、Chisholm 和 Bodden 等姓氏比比皆是,将我们的文化联系追溯到来自英国各地、从苏格兰到康沃尔的早期定居者。 15 岁以下儿童占总人口的 15.2%,而老年人(65 岁及以上)占 7.9%。非开曼人占劳动力的 46.7%。他们在政府的工作许可制度下被接纳,该制度控制外国技能和劳动力的流入。

我们预计这些统计数据会随着我们的经济和劳动力感受到 COVID-19 的影响而发生变化。

有关更多信息,请查看经济和统计办公室 (ESO) 网站。 ESO 是一个政府部门,根据法律和国际公认的标准提供官方统计数据。该办公室还生成官方宏观经济预测。

基督教在开曼人的生活中发挥了重要作用,有各种各样的教堂。根据 2010 年人口普查,最大的是:


The Cayman Islands is a British Overseas Territory located in the Western Caribbean. It is comprised of three Islands – Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.


The Islands are situated 480 miles southwest of Miami, about 277 miles south of Cuba, and 310 miles northwest of Jamaica. Cayman Brac is 89 miles northeast of Grand Cayman and Little Cayman is 5 miles west of Cayman Brac.


The capital of the Cayman Islands is George Town, in Grand Cayman. 



Reputed to be discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1503, the first settlers came here in 1638.  The Islands were handed over by Spain to Great Britain in 1670 with a larger influx of settlers arriving from early 18th Century. The Cayman Islands were administered as a dependency of Jamaica from 1863.  Upon Jamaica's independence, the Cayman Islands opted to become a direct dependency of the British Crown, and received its first constitution in 1959. See our complete History page for more information.


British Overseas Territory

The British Nationality Act 1981 came into force on 1 January 1983, which separated Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKCs) into three categories: British Citizens, British Dependent Territories Citizens, and British Overseas Citizens. British Overseas Territories Citizenship (BOTC) was called ‘British dependent territories citizenship’ before 26 February 2002.  


Persons automatically became a British citizen on 21 May 2002 if they were connected to the following qualifying British overseas territories: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, and Turks and Caicos Islands. Learn more on GOV.UK.



While there are over 130 nationalities living and working in the Cayman Islands, the majority of work permit holders (about 75%) come from Jamaica, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, India, Canada, and the United States. 

As of Fall 2019, we are home to 69,914 persons (50.6% female and 49.4% male) with approximately 37,363 Caymanians. Surnames such as McTaggart, Chisholm and Bodden abound, tracing our cultural links back to early settlers from across Great Britain, from Scotland through to Cornwall. Children younger than 15  years  old  account for  15.2  percent  of  the  population, while the elderly (65 years or older) represent 7.9 percent. Non-Caymanians comprise 46.7% of the workforce. They are admitted under the government’s work permit system which controls the inflow of foreign skills and labour.

We expect these statistics to change as the impacts of COVID-19 are felt through our economy and workforce.

For more information, check the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) website. ESO, a Government department, provides official statistics in accordance with the law and internationally accepted standards. The office also generates official macroeconomic forecasts.


Christianity has played a large role in the lives of Caymanians, and there are a variety of churches. The largest according to the 2010 Census are:

  • Church of God
  • Roman Catholic
  • Seventh-day Adventist
  • Presbyterian/United Church
  • Baptist

Residents also follow the Baha’i, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim faiths. Although these communities are not large enough to support houses of worship, services are held in family homes and visitors are welcome.